Google Classroom is used as a central location to store all learning materials.

Google Classroom Tips

You can use Google Classroom as an interactive environment using the following tips:

  • Engage students in discussions within the Classroom Stream and use their participation as evidence of learning

  • Use the question option to check understanding of new content or as check and act points

  • Ask the students a question as an entry or exit ticket to see where they are with their understanding

  • Differentiate instructions or assignments for individual or small groups of students

Detailed instructions and screenshots can be found in the Digital Learning Library presentation

Advanced Features of Google Classroom


Rubrics can be used to assess student work. KUSA and SACE rubrics can be imported into assignments in Classroom using the following method.

PBL in Classroom

Take advantage of the flexibility of distance learning by assigning larger-scale project based learning activities

Students can engage in cross-subject collaborative projects, applying prior knowledge and inspiring them to explore new topics

Originality Reports

Originality Reports are the native plagiarism checker in Google Classroom. Follow the method here to turn them on.

Differentiate for Individual Students

Google Classroom can be used to differentiate instructions and assignments for individual or small groups of students with a class.

A guide to differentiating for students: Video Link

Integrating Apps and Websites with Classroom

Many apps can be linked or shared with Google Classroom. This allows learning activities to be directly shared in Google Classoom.

Google Classroom Video Series (